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I am a resident of the Canary Islands 5% off
  • Free Wi-Fi

  • 150m

    Access to the beach

  • 3 swimming pools

  • We have a Buffet Restaurant

  • 2017

    Fully renovated hotel

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Choose the exact room you want after completing your booking. Explore the hotel now and find the room that best suits your needs.

Rooms in Tenerife, 150 yds. from the beach

Perfect to enjoy for holidays with your family, partner or friends. Located on Callao Salvaje, (Costa de Adeje)

Tropical Park
Tropical Park
Tropical Park
  • Max capacity: 3 adults + 1 child or 2 adults + 2 children | 1 bedroom
  • up to 3 bedrooms
  • Facilities and services for our clients

    Enjoy all the experiencies of Tropical Park Hotel

    Well located in Southern Tenerife. You can park easily outside for free. I loved the swimming pools.

    ​We spent a fortnight in June and thoroughly enjoyed it. The value for money is fantastic, the room is large and well equipped, the place is a quiet one and the staff are very friendly.

    Excellent value for money, facilities, restaurant and cleanliness. Easy to park.